crisis and reputation response and management - celebrity - corporate

Crisis management is at its core, control. Controlling the controversy. Regaining control of a bad situation. Turning bad press into good press. Creating or recreating the narrative. If you are already mired in a reputation or branding crisis, the wrong word or deed or even silence can turn a bad situation into one that is unrecoverable. Merrell Strategy has the experience to take control of the communications issues, provide a shield against attacks, deal with internet platforms, remove vindictive and embarrassing content, and create a strategy to get your brand back on solid ground.

celebrities and personalities

Celebrities tend to have layers of protection around them in the form of agents, management, studios or labels, and their associated lawyers. In the past, these layers of professionals offered a high-degree of protection from reputation crises. However, the current cancel culture has resulted in a “quick release” trend, where those carefully selected professionals quickly release their celebrity clients as soon as a hint of #MeToo or other canceling, hits the internet.

While it is understandable that these support people want to avoid becoming the target of canceling themselves, the quick release not only suggests to the public that any accusation is true, regardless of facts, it also leaves the celebrity extremely vulnerable. It is rarely advisable for celebrities to take on the accusers or accusations directly, but the old pr tactic of ignoring controversy under the guise that there will be a new headline tomorrow, simply doesn’t work in an age of internet.

corporate brands

Corporate brands are particularly susceptible as abusers have so many targets with which to damage a brands reputation. From poorly thought out marketing campaigns and ads, a problematic history or political position that hasn’t aged well, or product or service issues, to executive and staff scandals, even in their personal lives or in the lives of their families and associates, brands have to be ever vigilant and prepared for a crisis. In addition to maintaining control over finances, quality of products or services, employees, market share, and most importantly, image and reputation, the internet has created an instantly connected world, where a vindictive ex-partner, disgruntled former employee, jealous co-worker, unethical competitor, or random nut can use the internet to exert incredible control.

In fact, today, a mere accusation of impropriety, even decades old impropriety, can derail a career and destroy a brand.

But it isn’t simply a matter of attracting a nut or past bad deeds coming back to haunt you. A little social media slip, poorly thought out media response, marketing misstep, or product recall can destroy all of your hard work in a matter of seconds.

At Merrell Strategy, we use a proprietary analytical method to determine the risks associated with all potential courses of action and create a response strategy that protects, supports, and moves clients through the crisis and prepares them for reentry on the other side.

crisis communications services for celebrities and brands

crisis communications –

crisis counseling

media communications

speech, oped, response writing

crisis content development

evaluation and strategy -

scenario evaluation

strategy & implementation

weak-point evaluation & shoring

preemptive strategy

online reputation repair –

online content removal

online content response/repair

litigation evaluation & referral

good karma banks

crisis response training –

executive media training

on-camera interview training

paparazzi interaction training

staff & customer response training